Pike Baits by Gadda Baits

Gadda Baits - A Pikers Bait

Gadda Baits provides top quality Pike Bait and took its name from the Swedish translation of PIKE (gädda). At Gadda we pride ourself on excellent customer service and promise our customers fresh quality bait with each and every order.

AFW bleeding leader wire

Ready made titanium dead bait trace. If you are frustrated of traces kinking or failing after a few fish then look no further! Made from the finest materials.


Bleeding Leader Wire is the World’s First Blood Red nylon coated leader wire. The unique red nylon coating mimics actual blood in top water fishing conditions to attract fish. In deeper water, the color Red is filtered out faster than other colors on the spectrum and ‘vanishes’ to fish. Bleeding Leader Wire is ideal for all types of toothy fish and is made from our strong Surflon 1X7 stainless steel leader wire. Made in USA by AFW.

AFW bleeding leader wire: AFW bleeding leader wire. Blood red nylon coated 1x7 stainless steel 30lb recommended crimp size: #3 40lb recommended crimp size: #3 #4
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Price: £4.95

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